Monday, 18 August 2014

Weight Loss: the Crash Course

Weight Loss

Dr Muzzafar Zaman

Hi There, I am Dr Muzzafar Zaman and this week I'll be discussing weight loss. All over the internet there are many articles, write-ups that try to tell you how best to lose weight and what strategies to employ or what drugs to use and so on. Many people are just discovering that the majority of these articles only provide false information and that the only reason they are there is to generate traffic for the authors’ website or sell a product which is more often than not a fake. In this light, many people have been seen to fall victims of unrealistic weight loss programs which are sometimes downright scams. The need for credible information on sensitive subjects such as this has never been more important. With all these in mind, I have tried to compile a short write up that will tell you when an article is misleading you about weight loss. It is important to bear in mind that there are a multitude of these types of “fake” article and it might therefore be near impossible to cover them all, much less in this one short article. Therefore, I shall only touch on the more common examples of these kinds of articles- those one that can be easily seen on the first two pages of search engines. This is not to say that all weight loss articles out there are fakes, rather I am only stressing that the majority of them. Some distinguishing features of these kinds of article include:

Unrealistic Proposals

This is perhaps the most common pointer. Most “fake” weight loss articles are characterized with the unrealistic targets they set for achievement of weight loss. For example the less subtle one give statements like: ‘lose over 20 pounds in a week’, ‘use so and so drug and see results in a few weeks’. Most of the time this statement are false, misleading and downright unrealistic

Sales Tone

Generally, fake weight loss articles are written in a tone whereby they try to sell something to the reader. It tells you about how great a product is or that buying so and so eBook/ CD pack will tell you all you need to know about weight loss.

Lack of Useful Information

These articles are almost always lacking in useful information, they never actually tell you how to lose weight, and they only gloss over the weight loss proper and try to tell to try something they are selling.

So be very watchful of the articles you use when looking for a weight loss program, brought to your by Dr Muzzafar Zaman.

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